
Our collection of relevant press over the years.

Did we miss something? Want to contact us for a story you’re writing? Drop us a note: [email protected].

Ottawa County broadband project significantly reduced in scope

Holland's fiber-optic is close to going online

Holland City Fiber coming soon to a 'fiberhood' near you

Holland approves $23M in bonds for broadband infrastructure

Allegan County, 123NET receive $65 million grant for high-speed internet

Citywide fiber internet project takes next step forward

Construction of Holland's public fiber network is slated to begin this fall

Proposal to build public fiber network in Holland passes: What happens next

Holland broadband internet proposal passes

Holland voters approve $30M publicly owned fiber broadband network

Holland fiber project passes, Ottawa County commission shakeup: Primary election results

Letters to the Editor: Not against fiber idea, but the tax behind it

My Take: Say no to higher taxes, say no to more debt, say no to Holland ballot proposal

My Take: Say no to higher taxes, say no to more debt, say no to Holland ballot proposal

Comcast spends $100K fighting Holland's citywide fiber proposal

My Take: 'Protect Holland Taxpayers' is Comcast trying to scare you on local broadband plan

Letters to the Editor: "Broadband investment necessary for a vibrant future", "Broadband locally grown, locally controlled", "High-speed fiber a luxury we can't afford", and "Speed, accessibility, cost, reliability would improve with broadband millage"

Holland voters to decide on proposal to install citywide internet network funded by taxes

Holland voters to decide on fiber internet service in Aug. 2 election

Holland City looks to make internet another utility for customers

Holland voters to decide broadband internet bond proposal

Letter to the Editor: Vote 'yes' on fiber initiative in Holland

My Take: Aug. 2 millage proposal to fund fiber cable in Holland is a bad deal

Letters to the Editor: "Just say no to BPW's broadband proposal" & "Downtown fiber internet a game changer for businesses"

Expanded high speed internet on the ballot in the City of Holland August 2

Holland voters to decide if city will have its own high-speed internet network

Holland voters to decide on building fiber internet network

My Take: Building a bright future with Holland city fiber

Holland can get better internet without taxpayer risk

Holland should leave internet to the private sector

Letters to the Editor: Choose a future with city-owned broadband

My Take: How does Holland think its internet utility will succeed where so many have failed?

Michigan law makes fight for municipal broadband an uphill battle

The Future is Fiber... HBPW’s Broadband Plan: Innovation for All? (Page 8)

Ottawa County study finds 11 percent of households lack internet

Holland is taking its public fiber project to voters. How much could it cost?

Michigan Moves to Limit Federal Funds for Municipal Broadband

Holland voters could decide on city-provided Wi-Fi initiative in August

Holland's $8.4M in COVID relief may pay for fiber, firefighters

What we know so far about Holland's plan for citywide fiber

BPW pitches plan to offer high-speed internet to every home in Holland

Holland Voters May Decide on Proposed Broadband Expansion Initiative

Holland City Council to Vote on Ordinance Amendments Tonight

Lakeshore municipalities planning ways to make broadband accessible, affordable to all

Ottawa County awards contract for first phase of broadband expansion plan

Holland City Council supportive of public broadband project

Holland launching fiber task force

Comcast: Internet expansion in Laketown done by fall

Laketown, Saugatuck Twp. internet expansion delayed

Internet service in Marshall was slow, so the city built its own fiber-optic network

Holland Shifts From Construction to Operation

Fiber internet project concludes with 96 customers

Laketown, Saugatuck internet expansion has some delays

Seeking connection: As Laketown finally gets internet, rural access still a prevalent issue elsewhere

Groups partner on fiber internet services

Laketown to get high speed internet — finally

Holland BPW Expanding To Nearby Hudsonville

Laketown to get high speed internet — finally

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